Meet Christian, our licensed attorney at law!

With more than 18 years of experience as a lawyer, including 10 years as a public servant in the International Relations Department at the Supreme Court, Christian still shines.

Christian was born in Asuncion (Paraguay) on September 1, 1977. At 7 years old, he moved with his family to Antwerp (Belgium), where he first encountered the Dutch language. He spent most of his days at the Sint-Lievenscollege, where he learned French as well as Dutch. There was hardly any time for hobbies, yet Christian found a way to absorb culture here. He read lots of books, visited museums and even took music lessons at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Although his parents raised him in Spanish, he and his brothers + sister chose to communicate among themselves in Dutch.

6 years later, around his 13th birthday, the family relocates in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Christian delves even more into languages and starts studying English, this time at the Libanon Lyceum. Years fly by and on his 18th birthday Christian can proudly look back on a spectacular learning path. At that point, he masters 4 languages and can officially call himself a polyglot.

September 1995; Christian and his family return to Paraguay, where he will finish secondary school. 3 years later, in '98 he starts working in the courthouse. Here, he receives no paycheck during his first year. As of his second year, in '99, he combines his profession with studies to become an attorney at law. He fully pays for his university education and continues to work at the same time.

On October 17, 2005, after 6 years of education, Christian graduates as an attorney at law. From that day to the present day, he represents his clients' interests in various jurisdictions. 

Since 2021, Christian has been a self-employed and independent attorney at law.

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